Tempted by the Linux operating system, but you don't know which distribution to choose or prefer to play it safe ? DistroSea is for you.
Despite the efforts of players in the Linux world, opting for this alternative operating system is not yet within the reach of everyone. Things get complicated when it comes to choosing a distribution, because there are several hundred of them : some are specialized in an area such as security, small hardware configurations, retrogaming.. while others are more generalist. DistroSea wants to allow you to try a wide range of distros from your browser, with just a few clicks.
The idea of making Linux easier to use is not new. This often went through what are called Live-CDs, which allow you to run a Linux distribution without having to install it. Formerly by launching a CD, as the name suggests, and today by means of an executable file. An effective possibility, but which however requires the download of a large ISO file which can sometimes weigh several gigabytes. This is how the idea of making it possible to test a Linux distribution from a website, without having to install anything on your computer and under the same conditions whatever the operating system used or ( in theory) the browser. The first such service was DistoTest, which unfortunately closed its doors a few months ago.
But a newcomer is appearing : DistroSea, which is more accessible and neat in terms of design.
Simple and efficient
When you arrive on this site, you will come across a search box to quickly find a distribution whose name you know. The rest of the screen is occupied by the catalog of the different distributions offered by DistroSea. Today, there are a little more than forty, but know that for each of them or almost, several versions are accessible. In total, more than 400 different distributions, as illustrated by the example of the essential Ubuntu : DistroSea offers no less than 28 versions. Once the version has been chosen, all you have to do is click on the corresponding button. Depending on the crowd on DistroSea, you may be placed in a queue, but most of the time, a few tens of seconds are enough to start using Linux !
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