Windows 10 is unbeatable, will Windows 11 meet the same fate as Vista or 8 ?


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Windows 11 is still struggling to convince and Windows 10 remains the undisputed king. The latter remains installed on an overwhelming majority of machines running under the Microsoft OS, and Windows 12 could well pull the rug out from under version 11.

Windows 11 is being boycotted and Windows 10 remains on the throne. Every month, Statcounter figures tell the same story : Windows 11 is struggling to convince. We even recently learned that Windows 11 license sales are in freefall.

The figures tell us that Windows 10 remains the undisputed king, with 71.1% of the share of the machine park running Windows. The end of support for Windows 7 did not have the expected positive effect for 11, since most of its users joined Windows 10, thus consolidating its dominant position.

However, the end of life of Windows 10 is approaching. The operating system is now eight years old and the new hardware works better with Windows 11. The latter is slowly gaining users at the expense of Windows 10 : almost one in four users has upgraded to Microsoft's latest.

But, the growth of Windows 11 is not as fast as Microsoft would like. According to Statcounter, after reaching the 23% mark in April 2023, Windows 11 remains stuck with 23.68% of the share. In addition, the arrival of Windows 12 is also approaching, and Windows 11 could well meet the same fate as Vista or Windows 8.

The real successor to Windows 10 may well be 12

The same pattern seems to repeat itself every time a Windows version is widely adopted by users. With an efficient operating system, they are then hesitant to upgrade to the next version and prefer to stay on their favorite OS until the last moment. Thus, they are still 3.7% to stay on Windows 7.

Most users had jumped directly from XP to Windows 7, skipping Vista, which nonetheless had undeniable problems and a bad reputation. Similarly, the majority of Windows users had not given their attention to Windows 8 and its design dedicated to tablets, preferring to upgrade their machine directly to Windows 10. It could thus be that the real successor of Windows 10 is Windows 12.
